The HERCULES project aims to develop detailed information on aeronautical meteorological conditions at departure and arrival airports, focusing on the vulnerability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to icing and adverse wind conditions, thereby preventing blockage in the professional use of drones.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Aslogic aims to improve safety for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs, so-called ‘drones’) by providing services. However, computational capacity for high-resolution meteorological predictions exceeds powerful servers. A HPC system is needed for region/country predictions and hourly updates.
New services
Drones' size and flying dynamics make them vulnerable, necessitating accurate weather forecasting for operational safety. However, drones lack real-time data and are sensitive to adverse weather, making reliable forecasts crucial for future growth.
Innovation results
The HERCULES experiment aimed to create reliable weather forecasts for drones using Meteodrone, robust drone and four parametrized WRF models calibrated over 150 flights in Galicia. The use of HPC resources reduced execution time and provided tools through a new website.
Business impact
The HERCULES system offers weather forecasts for UAVs, saving €100000 on ground infrastructure and improving operational efficiency. This innovative technology, aimed at the emerging industry, is expected to reach 2000 users within three years, generating €78000 per year for Aslogic.