High-Performance gear analyzer

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  5. High-Performance gear analyzer

VE&D is a company specializing in gear design for the automotive industry. In collaboration with UNIMORE, they have developed a software called Cloud/HPC-based High Performance Gear Analyzer (HPGA) for gear analysis and optimization, which offers a simple and standardized user interface.

Start date: 01/07/2013

Duration in months: 18

Problem Description

The designers generally have only a basic knowledge of software for structural analysis and only limited awareness of specialized applications. The goal of the experiment is development a solution to gear design that integrate the datasheet and simulation.


New services


The challenge of this experiment was to provide a new technology for supporting the design of reliable and efficient gears, using HPC advanced simulation.

Innovation results

The HPGA software appears as a simple interface, where the end-user finds all standard gear datasheets. In addition, some popup menus are devoted to specific operations such as the creation of gear geometry and checking for data coherence, the performance of analyses and optimizations and the presentation of results in a standard way acceptable to potential end-users.

Business impact

VE&D will see an annual saving of €17K as a result of using HPGA on HPC

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