The continuous monitoring of water reservoirs can be performed by satellite data. During the experiment, a complete data processing chain will be defined, starting from satellite raw data up to water body detection and surface estimation.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Aresys plans to enter the environmental management sector, focusing on high-performance satellite data analytics for continuous monitoring of water reservoirs. The company uses the Sentinel-2 constellation optical imagery, provided for free with updates every five days and historical datasets.
New services
The amount of data and the required processing sequence calls for on-demand HPC resources to build the added value information required by customers.
Innovation results
Aresys has developed a service using Sentinel-2 optical images to identify reservoir water surface variation over time, using AI-assisted processing and geometric and radiometric processing. This service provides a continuously evolving 3D model of reservoirs, allowing for timely monitoring.
Business impact
Aresys will sell the service to 20% of Italian reservoirs, potentially generating €550,000 in revenue, sorical receives improved knowledge about reservoir monitoring translating into lower monitoring costs (€ 15,000 per reservoir).