RELIEF is aiming to improve the device’s success rate by fine-tuning its distal stent size based on male/female urethral diameter. The goal is to avoid high pressure, tissue lacerations, and long-term post-surgery side effects while minimizing urine leakages and bladder migration.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
RELIEF is developing an innovative Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) for treating urinary incontinence. To commercialize it, RELIEF needs to finalize the design and develop a decision-support system for medical doctors to choose the optimal size for each patient.
New services
The RELIEF prototypes have been tested in various settings, including in vitro, in vivo, and a first-human pilot study. The study highlighted the feasibility, acceptability, and ease of use of the AUS, but also highlighted the need for design optimization.
Innovation results
In silico numerical simulations accelerate product development, reduce prototyping costs, and minimize experimental tests. They optimize AUS shape design, reduce side effects, and improve patient satisfaction by reducing computational resources and minimizing errors.
Business impact
RELIEF has implemented numerical simulations to reduce design costs and time-to-market for its product. The solution can save up to 43% of in-vivo experiment costs and improve patient satisfaction. The digital model reduces the need for animals or cadavers for validation and optimization purposes.