Through HPC, the consortium will screen multiple battery electrolyte compositions in order to optimise battery material properties. This experiment will prove the technical and commercial benefits of molecular dynamics, leading to business opportunities and better material development.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Compular's simulation methodology can be a solution for developing new battery chemistries, however, its in-house prototype business model is not suitable for customers like Enerpoly, who want to speed up development by running their own analyses, slowing down the market entry of novel approaches.
New services
Enerpoly, faces significant scientific challenges, including irreversible charge loss due to unstable manganese species. Addressing these issues requires in-house lab testing, consultancy, or academic partnerships, which are too slow and costly in the fast-moving battery development business.
Innovation results
Compular's command-line software stack was transformed into CHAMPION, a pay-per-use product that simplifies battery chemistry performance analysis. Validated on Enerpoly's zinc-ion battery system, it predicts material properties of different chemical compositions.
Business impact
Enerpoly can now run millions of experiments in silico, reducing laboratory experiments by 20% and related costs by 20-30%, which results in RoI of 5x-10x and 20-40% faster time-to-market. Compular already gained 3 new customers and hired 4 new employees thanks to the new SaaS business model.