ONTARIO will extend Digiotouch’s cloud-based Paradise platform delivering the secure, trustworthy, and privacy-by-design marketplace. The project will also implement a green deal data space with open data on food loss and waste. ONTARIO dataset will enable Big Data and AI tools to generate food waste patterns across European regions allowing prediction of type, quantity of food/bio waste generated.
Start date: 05/01/2021
Duration in months: 9
Problem Description
The use-case addresses the problem of the sustainability of food and organic waste and is focused on the development of a circular economy (CE) solution for such waste. The goal of ONTARIO is to extend Digiotouch’s cloud-based Paradise platform, offering a secure, reliable and privacy-by-design marketplace to extract value from waste and reduce waste converted into other food products. The project will also implement a Green Deal data space with open data on food losses and waste.
New services
The challenge is to generate models concerning food waste in all European regions by allowing forecasting the type, quantity of food/organic waste (among other information) generated with Big Data and AI tools. Within 12-18 months of commercial launch in Europe, ONTARIO sets the following targets: 1 ton of edible food waste less in landfill and resold through the market#250kg of non-eatable food waste that is recycled for compostage.
Innovation results
Cloud based marketplace accelerating transition to circular economy,Automatic data portability tool to populate ONTARIO data space,Big Data and AI based tool generating insights on type, quantity of waste generated at European regions allowing a prediction of waste generation
Business impact