The goal of the experiment is to develop a brute force approach to evaluating internal structures for aircraft on HPC. The tasks of the experiment are to develop a workflow that rapidly takes a vehicle from CAD to mesh to the solver to visualisation and can rapidly cycle design iterations.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
AFormX and ElevonX have identified a business opportunity to provide early structural analysis for innovative electrically powered aircraft. The experiment uses HPC to explore a wider design space, providing optimal solutions and minimizing the risk associated with innovative structural concepts.
Reduce time to solution
The electrification of the powertrain will alter airflow and flight controls, resulting in aircraft with unprecedented appearances. The structural frame, including, bulkheads, longerons, spars, and skins, will require novel approaches to match the new shapes of sustainable electrically powered aircraft.
Innovation results
The solution is an HPC-based workflow that will be offered as a service to the aviation market. The workflow will be used by both OEMs and service providers. The use of HPC is crucial since it enables quickly iterating complex structures and therefore efficiently exploring a wide design space.
Business impact
Tentative orders for the design tool as a service in the next two years exceed 200.000€, AFormX as interacted with seven new OEMs in the field of sustainable aviation and deepened relationships with existing OEM partners, the University of Maribor entered into the HPC aerospace field.