SIMPSEG will use HPC DEM simulation to predict segregation during the production of a cored wire. First, the powder flow will be studied experimentally and numerically to calibrate the parameters of the model. Then, the simulation will be carried out and its results compared with measurements.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
CEDIE's cored wires are crucial for steel and foundry industries, allowing for fine chemical adjustments. The experiment aimed to optimize the wire filling process to reduce segregation and promote a more sustainable manufacturing process.
New services
Undesirable segregation during the wire filling process can lead to inefficiencies and high economic losses. On average, 1.5% of coils' length are rejected due to lack of uniformity, resulting in material waste and high losses.
Innovation results
The experiment used the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to predict segregation in cored wire production. It simulated filling operational conditions to determine design modifications. The model implemented by CITMAga was validated against experimental results and measurements during production.
Business impact
The experiment resulted in 90% material waste savings and potential benefits of €375,000 over four years. This knowledge will help CEDIE develop new products, increase competitiveness, and ensure sustainability. The experiment also contributes to sustainable employment in depopulated regions.