Cloud-based design of motorcycle helmets
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Moxoff in partnership with Nolan developed a dedicated multiphysics platform, CASCo, to support the simulation motorcycle helmets characteristics. This project aims to develop CASCo further to use Cloud-based HPC and enable engineers to perform analysis in a simple way and with a shorter turnround time.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
The objective of this experiment is to develop CASCo further to use Cloud-based HPC and to enable Nolan engineers to perform advanced multiphysics simulations in a simple way and with a shorter turnround time. Simulations involves: external aerodynamics, thermal effects, acoustics, and impacts.
New services
The aim of this experiment is to enable advanced and fine detail simulations with feasible runtimes through the use of HPC via the CASCo platform. A further aim is to enable these simulations to be performed without a deep knowledge of the underlying physics and mathematics to enable the focus to be on design.
Innovation results
The CASCo Multiphysics platform has been ported to an HPC system,involving the enhancement of GUIs, workflows and file formats, and the development of the interface with an HPC scheduler system. Similarly, post-processing has been optimised and moved to HPC infrastructure to reduce processing time.
Business impact
MoxOff forecasts that the platform will increase its turnover by 10%. Nolan estimates an helemt development cost saving of 52k€. This experiment comprises a success story for CINECA, that is estimated to bring new SME customers, creating an approximate 5% increase in commercial revenues.