
CINECA Artificial Intelligence project- The bulk of the package is based on OpenCE tool, which includes (for example) Tensorflow, Pytorch, XGBoost, and other related packages and dependencies. This cognitive environment has been personalised by CINECA AI experts and published in a public channel.

Version: 2.02 (G100)

Availability: GALILEO100

Target: all

Official web site:

Related Commands:

If you wish to activate the default environment:


     $ conda activate $CINECA_AI_ENV


- If you wish to create a personal conda env with your installations, you can use the local conda channel to access the available built packages:


     $ conda install -c $CINECA_AI_CHANNEL PACKAGE


- You can see the available built packages running the command:


     $ conda search -c $CINECA_AI_CHANNEL --override-channels


- More instructions on how to use the channel can be found at the link:

 Documentation of the Scientific python environment and tools for the Cineca AI project



Help and Documentation:

You can find documentation on the system, with the command 'module help cineca-ai

- The manual is on the web at the original home page (


CINECA consultants can be reached through the address:'''


other_info = '''Versions: 1.0.0,2.0.0,2.0.1,2.0.2

The versions differ in the versions of its components:

1.0.0 => Tensorflow 2.4.1 / Pytorch 1.7.1 etc.

2.0.0 => Tensorflow 2.6.2 / Pytorch 1.9.0 etc

2.0.1 => Tensorflow 2.6.2 / Pytorch 1.9.1 etc

2.0.2 => Tensorflow 2.6.2 / Pytorch 1.9.1 (differ from the previous one on some minor components)

2.1.0 => Tensorflow 2.7.0 / Pytorch 1.10.0 etc